Additional information when you go for cupping therapy (hijama)

Proper preparation and aftercare are essential to ensure a safe and effective hijama cupping session. Here are the steps for preparation and aftercare:


We, at EMOIZINE are qualified and experienced hijama practitioners. Before undergoing hijama at our practice we provide you personalized advice based on your specific health condition and needs. Always make sure to follow the instructions and maintain proper hygiene during the hijama procedure to avoid any potential complications.

  1. Medical Consultation: It is important to inform us about your health condition as stated above. This is to ensure that the treatment is suitable for your health condition. This is especially important if you have any underlying medical issues or are taking medications.
  2. Hydration: Drink plenty of water in the 24 hours leading up to the hijama cupping session. Proper hydration helps ensure better blood flow and makes the procedure more comfortable.
  3. Avoid Eating (Heavy Meals): It is advisable not to eat a heavy meal just before the session. A light meal is recommended to prevent discomfort during the procedure. Regarding the timing of hijama, it is generally recommended to perform it on an empty stomach or after a light meal, preferably 2-3 hours before the session. This is because performing hijama on a full stomach may lead to discomfort, nausea, or dizziness during the therapy session. Additionally, when done on an empty stomach, the body’s energy and blood flow are more focused on the areas being treated, potentially enhancing the effectiveness of the therapy.
  4. Choose the Right Time: In traditional Islamic medicine, hijama cupping is often performed on specific days of the lunar calendar, like the 17th, 19th, or 21st of the Islamic month. However, from a medical perspective, the timing may not matter as much.


  1. Rest and Hydration: After the hijama cupping session, take some time to rest and relax. Drink plenty of water to help your body flush out any released toxins.
  2. Keep the Area Clean: The cups may leave temporary marks or bruises on the skin. It is essential to keep the cupping sites clean and dry to prevent infection. Avoid applying any oils, lotions, or creams to the cupping sites for at least 24 hours.
  3. Avoid Exposure to Extreme Temperatures: Avoid exposing the cupped areas to excessive heat or cold immediately after the session. This includes avoiding hot baths or saunas and refraining from cold showers or swimming in cold water.
  4. Avoid Strenuous Activities: It is best to avoid intense physical activities for at least 24 to 48 hours after the hijama cupping session to allow the body to recover. This means no intercourse for 24 hrs.
  5. Nutritious Diet: Consume a healthy and balanced diet to support your body’s natural healing process.
  6. Follow Up: If you experience any adverse effects or concerns after the hijama cupping session, contact your practitioner for guidance and support.

Avoid milk, soda, and meat after the hijama session, it’s for specific reasons related to the healing process and potential interactions with the treatment. Here are some reasons why these restrictions are suggested:

  1. Milk: Dairy products like milk after hijama may interfere with the body’s natural healing process or exacerbate any discomfort or inflammation that could occur after the session.
  2. Soda: Carbonated beverages like soda is not recommended because they can cause bloating or gas, which could potentially be uncomfortable after the hijama procedure.
  3. Meat: The avoidance of meat is minimize inflammation and aid the body’s detoxification process post-hijama.

Remember that these recommendations might vary depending on individual factors, personal preferences, and the specific type of hijama being performed. Consult us for a personalized advice and guidance tailored to your unique needs. Additionally, if you have any underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions, be sure to communicate them to us.

Remember that hijama cupping is not a substitute for medical treatment. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any alternative therapies to ensure they are safe and suitable for your individual health needs.

What does it feel like?

Hijama involves creating suction on the skin to promote blood flow and healing. During the process, a practitioner places cups on specific areas of the skin and uses heat or a suction pump to create a vacuum effect. This can cause circular marks or bruises on the skin, which typically disappear over time.

The appearance of these marks can vary depending on the individual and the intensity of the treatment. In most cases, the marks are temporary and may fade within a few days to a couple of weeks. However, some people may experience more pronounced or long-lasting marks, especially if they have sensitive skin or undergo a more aggressive cupping session.

Wet cupping involves making incisions. The practitioner may make small, superficial incisions on the surface of the skin before applying the cups. These incisions are usually tiny and are made using a sterile tool. The purpose of these incisions is to draw out a small amount of blood along with stagnant fluids and toxins.

Regarding pain, itchiness may be a better word for it. And the experience can vary from person to person. Some individuals may find cupping to be relatively painless or only slightly uncomfortable, while others may feel more significant discomfort during the procedure. The level of discomfort may also depend on the area being treated and the specific cupping technique used by the practitioner.

Quoting a hijama client (wet cupping): “I did feel a little light after I was done. I slept really well at night. It was not painful. Many small incisions are made which I would describe as itchy instead of painful. The discarded blood was apparently darker than it should be. No pain. Slight itchiness after the session. I felt relaxed and a little tired. After a few days the marks of the cups fade away. Some people report being energetic. I don’t feel too different. Would I do it again? Yes. To relieve pain. I definitely would.”